Tuesday 18 February 2014


Social Media Week Lagos kicks off today!

At over 134 events to choose from, the 2014 edition SMW Lagos is quite the maze. It will be a busy week for me, with TechCabal Battlefield and all, but if I had time, these are some interesting SMW events I would definitely check out.
1. TechCabal Battlefield

But of course. Unapologetically, unabashedly and untouchably at the top of the list, TechCabal’s Startup Battlefield is a $20,000 startup competition and high powered business networking event rolled into one. More details here.
2. Innovator’s keynote by Jason Njoku

At which Jason Njoku will, er, deliver a keynote. It starts at 10:30 this morning, so you’d better hurry if you want to catch it.
3. An Evening With The Leaders – A Keynote By Hon. Omobola Johnson

Should you miss Jason’s keynote, you definitely shouldn’t miss the honourable minister’s this evening at the Volkswagen center.
4. YTech 100

Ndani TV and Red Media Africa are hosting a cocktail for the “leading lights” in Nigeria’s technology ecosystem. This event is supposed to be invite only, but it appears that you can cop a seat via its page on the SMW schedule.
5. CODE RED – African Women Rising In Media And Tech

They are taking over. It’s a revolution. Don’t fight it. Join it. Proudly co-hosted by Girl Hub and TechCabal.
6. The Connected Kids: Technology and Learning in the 21st Century

The CcHub has been doubling down on exposing younguns to technology of late. This blogger doesn’t have kids, but for those who do four hours with Raspberry Pi, robots, games and what-not, should be a fun diversion for them.
7. Women doing business the social way

Organised by W.TEC (Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre), this session features a panel of successful women entrepreneurs who will share how they’ve used social media to business advantage.
8. The Big Quiz

Come and enjoy an evening of quizzical fun, with hot food, cocktails, and a raffle…there will also be an interactive Scavenger Hunt that merges the Physical with the Digital world, so bring your phones/tabs, along!

Sounds like fun.
9. Web Women Want

It’s exactly what it sounds like — a women only panel, each of them technology, internet, social media and policy power brokers, that seeks to address the issue of gender barriers in technology and on the internet and to bring about the sort of web that we want. Yes, we.
10. RELOADED’s Augmented Reality Magazine Launch

You read right. Our friends at RELOADED are going to make a print magazine come to life in ways you’ve never seen. AR geeks, thank me later.

Have a different list? By all mean, share.

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